Xbox Game Pass: Xbox und Free Guy verleihen NPC Awards

In the run-up to the US theatrical release of Free Guy on August 13, 2021, Xbox Game Pass and Free Guy give the Xbox Game Pass Non Player Character (NPC) awards this year for the first time and last time.

Except for a very special exception, all nominated NPCs can be found in games available in the Xbox Game Pass.

The nominees include:

  • Samuel Hayden, Doom (2016) and Doom Eternal - a high-ranking UAC official who might or not be a machine. Anyway, he always has an eye on you.
  • Parvati Holcomb, The Outer Worlds - The shy and sensitive mechanic is estimated by all and is the good soul of the crew.
  • Chief Trader Mollie, Sea of ​​Thieves - As an animal lover and saleswoman of the commercial association, she always has an exciting adventure for you!
  • Guy, "Free Guy" - embodied by Ryan Reynolds, is a habit animal. He follows every day of the same routine and has never done anything extraordinary. The open-minded, but something naive guy, is cashier in a big city bank and fan of pop-diven from the 90s.

You can vote until 3 August 2021 on Twitter. On this day, the winner or the winner of the award is also announced on social media. There are no restrictions on participation, but you only have one voice, which is why you should choose with consideration.


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