Apex Legends: Tier List, Best Legends - Gamosauru

The season 9 of APEX LEGENDS just arrived, offering 17 legends at the totally different gameplay. Over the updates, each of them becomes more or less powerful. But since it changes frequently, which stands out right now? With this Tier List of the legends of APEX LEGENDS, you will have your answer!

_ Tier List Updated on August 7, 2021, for season 10: Emergence ._

Note that this Tier List is intended to identify the most efficient legends right now on Apex. The grip and complexity of the gameplay are not taken into account.



In addition to easily identify nearby enemies with its passive - void voice , Wraith is also able to offer a lot of mobility to its team. Its W - dimensional fault allows its team to teleport from one place to another, offering good loopholes. It also benefits from its A - in the void to escape from difficult situation.


Master in the art of hunting, Bloodhound follows the footsteps of his enemies to hunt and slaughter them with his passive - tracker . When it focuses, its a - eye of the thunderstorms allows it to be more alert as to its environment and allows it to avoid traps. But when he marks a prey, the hunter becomes a W - predator and continues his victim.



Real savior in the soul, Lifeline devotes his life to help that of others. His Passive - Combat First proves it, care has no secrets for her. Using a - doc drone of osteo-compassion It protects its allies and maintain as much as possible out of danger. When it can, it uses a W - Support Pack to improve its team's defenses.


Thanks to its many protections, Gibraltar is a very effective tank. It is thus able to cash many damage for its allies with its passive - armor shield . It can also be much more utilitarian, with its A - Protective Dome , preventing its allies from being touched, while allowing them to heal and get up faster.


Ancient researcher in pesticides, cautic diverted his work to create very violent harmful smokes. With its gas mask, it takes advantage of the passive - Vision NOX , which allows it to see through its gas clouds. The latter are also released by cautical when using its A - NOx gas trap , or its W - Gas pomegranate . Mortal for any organic being, this gas is the main weapon of the scientist.


Appointed by a prophecy like the one who will plunge the world into Chaos, Seer has always been considered a cursed child. But it is in the art that this soul flourishes, as brutal as it is. Seeking to be the passive - center of attention , it tracks its enemies thanks to micro-drones. But it is also able to visualize the pulse of his opponents by looking in his viewfinder thanks to his A - Cattle Heart . If he likes to be under the spotlight, SEER does not hesitate to use drones with his W - Exposure to unveil his opponents.



With the help of its biotic improvements, Octane hopes to become the apex game champion, while having style! It is rather helped in his task, thanks to the Passive - Stim conferred by him, as well as the a - stimulant . With that, it becomes more efficient, but is also able to care quickly in combat. But since he has to do things big, and that the waterfalls do not scare him, he uses a W - springboard to throw himself into the melee with his allies.


Just like Wraith , Pathfinder enjoys increased mobility. He then reaches areas out of reach with his a - grapple . His team also benefits with his W - Tyrolean Lancer . It also benefits from its passive - Insider offense to prepare the next movements of his team.


Horizon masters the foundations of gravity and uses his knowledge to play with his opponents. It thus benefits from being a passive - Spacity of genius to slow down its fall and reduce the damage that it could cause it. But it is with its a - severity elevator that it benefits the most from the verticality by playing on all dimensions. If necessary, it rests on its W - black hole to trap its opponents and find a loophole.


Valkyrie is a winged avenge that does not hesitate to ignore the laws to achieve its objectives. Taking advantage of a passive - Jetpack She can easily take the height and surprise her enemies. But it also serves to make tracking to avoid throwing into traps. Sa A - Missile Salve is a power-up tool when it has to defend itself, sending gusts in all directions. But it is also a very effective ally thanks to its W - Celestial jump with which it can take its own team members.


Having attended the murder of his parents at the age of 9, Loba had to survive alone. She has become an unparalleled pickpocket, even offering him a passive - sharpened look . She enjoys this to spot loots, before flying them through W - Black Market Shop . But she also had to deal with racing pursuit, which pushed her to use a grapple bracelet, her A - Monte-en-l'Air . It is particularly coriacent thanks to its mobility.



Thanks to its robotic improvements, returning enjoys increased physical capabilities. Thus, his passive - tracker allows him to clock lower, and to make inhuman jumps. With the help of his mechanism, he reduced to A - silence his opponents, making them unable to act for a few seconds, giving a consequent advantage to his team. Able to save his data in a W - Totem of Frag , returning can flee death.


Perfect soldier, Bangalore knows the horrors related to war, and knows how to escape them. It thus takes advantage of increased mobility thanks to its liability - no charge , while it can escape the vigilance of its opponents by using a * Fumigent . On the other side, when it needs to fight, it can use a W - thunderre growling that punish the unfortunate tempting to approach.

The Apex Legends Tier List (Season 9)


After studying electricity from all angles, Wattson ended itself as a weapon. Thanks to its liability - genius flash , it benefits more regularly from its a - perimeter of safety which helps it to hold its remote opponents. If one of them tends to approach too close, it is then trapped, and Wattson deploys its W - interception pylon ** for its team to be at the best of its form .


Very comfortable with technology, Crypto is an outstanding hacker who has paid the luxury of having his own drones. On this occasion, he uses them for all kinds of thing. Thanks to his passive - neurolian , he communicates directly with the machine, allowing him to discover the location of his opponents in a short ray. But it also uses it as W - Drone IEM ** to disturb his enemies in combat and weaken them.


Fuse enjoys easy grip, and very generic capabilities. It benefits from its passive - Grenadier to transport more grenades, but also use them more efficiently. Similarly, its A - scattered bomb is an asset of the most important during its skirmishes. It is an explosive lover, and he plays as much as he can, especially with his W - Big Lot that comes to block a player in a flame wall where bombs fall.



Ferru de technology, Mirage immersed in engineering to mix its two passions: engineering and illusionism. Thanks to that, he has been able to develop machines capable of camoufling during a fight. Thus, with his W - disappearance , Mirage takes his opponents by surprise while they are busy getting rid of his a - deterrence .


Great touch at all, Rampart takes advantage of an arsenal she has changed itself. His modifications are also very famous, which pushes his opponents to be wary of his equipment. In particular, it is very tough with firearms, which it uses passive - modified charger . It does not detract from the ammunition with its W - Sheila mounted machine gun . And if it is necessary to defend itself, its has - field of force is always ready for use.

Here you are now from the current Tier List of legends on APEX LEGENDS. The latter is updated as soon as changes are announced at stake.
