Wow gives you a saddle, but you have to play Hearthstone

A stylish wow mount is only available if you play a little heartstone. We tell you what you have to do exactly and when.

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At World of Warcraft you can soon acquire a new and great mount, at least if you can warm up with a little heartstone. Blizzard is making a new cross promotion between his games and probably want to help both franchises with her.

What kind of saddle is that? Mount is the coffin of the rat. Visually, the mount remembers a lot of Squeakers, The Trickster, which is now available to buy at the Wow store. However, Sarge has some other details, such as a different saddle, a different riding harness and several applications that remember Hearthstone a lot, for example, a pack of cards like a saddleboard on one side and the Hearthstone game board on the other.

What should be done for this? To activate Sarge on your WOW account, you must play and successfully complete the introduction experience of the new mercenary mode in Hearthstone. This is basically the tutorial for the new game mode. In general, the introduction experiences in Hearthstone do not require a lot of time; In general, these missions are completed in 30 to 40 minutes.

Sarge always has a Hearthstone board with him.

When is that possible? RAT SARGE can be unlocked as soon as the mercenary game mode in Hearthstone is launched. That will be the case on October 12, 2021, probably in the first hours of the night.

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So, if you want to add a cute rat to your frame collection, you may be able to install Hearthstone; After all, the saddle looks very good.

What do you think of this cross promotion and the mountain? Will you unlock Sarge and scroll Azeroth with him? Or is it not worth visiting Hearthstone for the mount?
