The new Hearthstone extension brings a fight alliance vs horde faction

Fractured in Alterac Valley Review #1 - NEW EXPANSION! Alliance or Horde?? | Hearthstone

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Hearthstone fans were happy to know that the last extension of the game was finally going to bring the Bizarre Alliance vs Horde that developers have constantly stamped throughout the year. It will be deployed on December 7 with the title Fractured in Alter ac Valley and add 135 additional cards to the game, including a Hero card for each class. In addition to bringing more cards, the new Hearthstone extension will also introduce new play mechanics, as well as the conclusion of the arc in history for its new mercenary characters.

For starters, Hearthstone players will help direct the fight before the exit of the extension. From today, players can start choosing one of the two free Golden Legendary cards, Either Mountain King Vandal Storm pike for the Alliance, or Frost wolf Elder Shaman Drew their for the Horde. Hero cards, like Light forged Ariel, represent the culminating point of a variety of scenarios, which will all come together for a very awaited battle between the alliance and the Horde. Hearthstone fans may have seen Drew Thar and Vandal Storm pike in the last cinematographic trailer of the game.

Once the cards are chosen, the faction leader will then determine which side the faction is fighting while performing unique missions. This will occur from 7 December to 11 January. The quests will increase the honor of their faction and all winning faction players will receive a diamond version of the map of their chef.

The next Hearthstone extension will also introduce a new keyword called hon. Kill. This new keyword will give players unique bonuses whenever some cards kill a servant. Examples of such bonuses are the increases of attack, the reduction of the cost of spells and the gain of statistics of +1 each time an honorable murder is delivered.

The Hearthstone Card Packs are currently available in pre-purchase on Players can get a pack of 60 for $49.99 or a pack of 80, with a bonus hero included, for $79.99

Are you excited about the last extension of Hearthstone? Let us know in the comments below.

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