WOW-GUIDE: Halondrus in the RAID mausoleum of the first (LFR, normal, heroic)
The seventh boss in the mausoleum of the first actually acts as a kind of DPS check. He has only a few skills and can send the complete RAID to the spirit healer if you do not bring enough damage to the right goals. "Actually" in the case because Halondrus had so little life in the PTR tests that whole phases could be skipped. This is no longer the case.
- Halonddrus short guide
- Halonddrus, the recovers - Video short guide
- Phase 1: The recovery
- Phase 2: The shimmering cliffs
- Many changes on the PTR
Halonddrus short guide
- Be sure to keep the balls to be floating on the boss from him by pushing them back by contact!
- Did all the soil effects - and there are tons of
- Do not let yourself be pushed from the cliff in the intermediate phase. Always stay close to the boss!
- Tanks must remove the shield of the balls by boss attack in heroic mode!
Halonddrus, the recovers - Video short guide
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Phase 1: The recovery
In the first phase, the boss stands stationary in his room and does not move from the spot. ~~ Immediately after the pull, he leaves three large pylons that move around him in a circle. Each of these pylons reduces the damage suffered by Halondrus and has a sign that makes it impossible to kill the floating structures. But you can counteract with light splinter beam. This massive beam is always worked on the active tank causes a lot of damage and increases the damage suffered for whopping 500 percent. At the same time a pylon is hit at the same time, he loses his shield and can be killed by you. Your task in Phase 1 is therefore to make all three pylons in succession from the light clay beam and to quickly resumble. ~~ This mechanics seems to have been completely removed. Only the light splinter beam that is worked on the tank and increases its suffered damage is still left.
This makes it difficult for you from various other skills. There are bullets of random goals that you have to dodge and all players regularly suffer pulsating damage. In addition, a lot of players with seismic quake are occupied. At its position, a projectile beats a bullet that inflicts high damage of the past players. In addition, it leaves an area on the ground causing damage to the players therein. So you have to be regularly distributed and then race from your impact.
You have to distribute you again and again so that you do not get double damage. Afterwards you have to run out of the impact, so you are already looking for a suitable spot. Source: boss at the edges of the arena also create bright puddles. From them then a ball flies towards boss, which can not achieve it. However, you can push the ball away by touching the boss, causing damage to you. The longer the phase lasts, the more balls you get - a kind of soft-enrage. In heroic mode, some balls are also protected by fractal shell. This shield must be removed by the light splinter beam of the tanks so that the balls are pushed back. And there are a few bigger balls in the circle around the boss that should not meet you.
There is also a removable debuff that causes a lot of damage and leaves a puddle back at the distance, in which no other player should go in. If you manage to bring the boss to 80 percent, he seems recovering. He gets a small shield that you need to suspect damage. As long as it lasts, Halondrus causes rising surface damage and pulls you up. Did you beat down the shield, the balls and phase 2 starts.
Phase 2: The shimmering cliffs
The previously stationary boss starts to move now and runs purposefully through a opening behind him and walks along the cliffs. Your task is to follow him and do not let you hang up. For all openings in the rock massifs close shortly after Halonddrus has passed.
These balls can not achieve the boss.
Source: boss At every step of the boss, you suffer some area damage, and the floors and debuff from Phase 1 remain preserved. During his way, Halondrus also drops very large balls that explode a few seconds later and thrust back. Here you have to be careful not to be encountered from the cliffs. At the same time, you should, of course, if you want to bring as much harm as somehow possible on the boss.
If you arrive in the next room, Phase 1 repeats until you have brought the boss to 40 percent. The more damage you have caused during running, the faster this phase goes. Then there is another run phase in the third room where phase 1 again waits. The only relevant changes are that on the one hand the area damage is increasingly increasing, there are more and more balls that keep them away from the boss and the big balls rotating around the boss are more. In the last phase, there are so many that no more is more. You must divide the RAID into two groups.
Many changes on the PTR
Generally, everything should be enjoyed by PTR with a little caution. In this case, however, this is especially true. The developers at Halonddrus not only have the life points up and down during normal and heroic tests several times and down, some skills have also been there and not. Then again they were declared as mythical skills, just to prime in normal mode ultimately again. Obviously, the developers were very difficult to find the right degree of difficulty. And the live version was also adapted several times by hotfix before the release on European servers.
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